Nuts, Chews & Crisps Showing all 18 results Default sorting Sort by popularity Sort by average rating Sort by latest Sort by price: low to high Sort by price: high to low Almond BarkRated 5 out of 5 from: $14.98 Select options Cashew BarkRated 0 out of 5 from: $14.98 Select options Almond ClustersRated 5 out of 5 from: $14.98 Select options Assorted NutsRated 0 out of 5 from: $14.98 Select options Assorted Nuts, Chews and CrispsRated 5 out of 5 from: $14.98 Select options BrazilsRated 0 out of 5 from: $14.98 Select options CaramelsRated 5 out of 5 from: $14.98 Select options Cashew ClustersRated 0 out of 5 from: $14.98 Select options Cashew TurtlesRated 5 out of 5 from: $14.98 Select options Chocolate Covered PretzelsRated 0 out of 5 from: $29.95 Select options Coconut ClustersRated 5 out of 5 from: $14.98 Select options English ToffeeRated 0 out of 5 from: $14.98 Select options NougatRated 0 out of 5 from: $14.98 Select options Peanut ClustersRated 0 out of 5 from: $14.98 Select options Pecan ClustersRated 0 out of 5 from: $14.98 Select options Pecan TurtlesRated 0 out of 5 from: $14.98 Select options Sea Salt CaramelsRated 0 out of 5 from: $14.98 Select options Walnut ClustersRated 0 out of 5 from: $14.98 Select options Create-A-Box Ensure you get only your favorites! Want a mix of all the chocolates you love? Tired of pinching pieces in those pre-packaged boxes and tossing what you don't like? Create a custom candy assortment of just your favorites.